Work safety and fire protection in the office
Work safety and fire protection in the office
- English content -
As in developing countries around the world, the number of companies in Hungary that offer opportunities for foreign workers to join them is growing. In this way, businesses are not only making their cultural environment more colourful and diverse, but also building a richer knowledge base. At the same time, it is important that these workers also fully comply with the occupational safety rules, and with the fire and accident prevention measures.
Working in an office can be challenging, therefore compliance with health and safety and fire regulations is as important as in a manufacturing plant. Because office work is very different from manufacturing or industrial work, but because it is an organised workplace, it is subject to a long list of regulations designed to protect the health and safety of workers. Health and safety is not only a moral obligation but also a legal requirement.
Let's review which are the cases, where language differences require special attention and understanding.
Documents, rules, regulations
Under current legislation, it is the employer's responsibility to ensure that all employees are aware of and comply with health, safety, and fire regulations. Therefore, if an employee arrives at the company who does not speak Hungarian, it is important to ensure that he or she is given the opportunity to familiarise himself or herself with the company's rules.
(It should be noted that health and safety and fire regulations are usually not only to be observed by employees, but also by incoming guests or suppliers, so it may be worth producing an English version if you have a lot of non-English speakers visiting the company).
Mandatory health and safety and fire training must be given to all employees and, of course, the training must be given in a language that the employee understands. The regulations in force provide for the possibility of receiving training both orally and electronically in the form of online training.
Inspection and testing for safety and fire safety compliance, i.e. health and safety audits
It is essential for all businesses - even those that are compliant - to regularly review and target their health and safety and fire safety compliance. Our experienced professionals will ensure that all aspects are thoroughly checked and inspected, giving you, as an employer, the peace of mind that comes with ensuring the highest quality working environment for your employees. Inspections can cover workplaces, work processes, work equipment, health and safety and documentation. During the inspection, our expert colleagues will draw up an inspection report, which will include any deficiencies found and recommendations for remedial action.
Our services can also help you provide a safe and healthy working environment for your expatriate office staff. Our colleagues have the expertise to assess office hazards and make recommendations on how to avoid them.
If you would like a personalised quote for our occupational health and safety services, or if you have any further questions, please contact us using one of the details below.
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Kötelező-e az üzemorvosi vizsgálat?
- Frissített tartalom -
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